Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory
Discover the Diffusion of Innovation Theory and learn how new ideas and technologies spread within societies. We’ll explore key factors like relative advantage, compatibility, and trialability and delve into the five-stage adoption process. Understand the crucial role of communication channels and social systems in influencing innovation diffusion.
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
Explore the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and its evolving applications in public health, education, and environmental science. Discover how integrating social identity, habit, and prototype-willingness models enhances TPB’s predictive power.
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Explore the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and its extensions, TAM2 and TAM3, to understand how technology adoption works. We delve into recent research that applies these models across domains and discuss the additional factors that enhance their explanatory power.
Technology Readiness and Acceptance Model (TRAM)
Explore the Technology Readiness and Acceptance Model (TRAM) and its role in technology adoption. Discover how optimism and innovativeness drive ease of use and usefulness while discomfort and insecurity hinder progress. Learn the critical balance between personality traits and system-specific characteristics for successful tech implementation.
Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
Dive into the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. Discover the key constructs influencing user acceptance and how this model has been validated and extended across various contexts.
Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) Framework
Dive into the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework and discover how it helps organizations adopt technological innovations. We’ll explore its components, address criticisms, and highlight its value in analyzing technology adoption.
Task-Technology Fit (TTF) Model
Explore the Task-Technology Fit (TTF) model and its impact on performance and user satisfaction. Learn how TTF is applied in healthcare, education, and mobile technology and its integration with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).
The Rise of AI Agents
Explore how AI agents revolutionise traditional software and SaaS platforms, transforming business operations and workforce dynamics. Discover the development of ‘super agents’ and their impact on industries and economies. By 2025, AI agents will be integral to workflows and decision-making.
Unleashing the Power of AI Agents
Discover the transformative role of AI agents in automating tasks and enhancing decision-making across industries. Learn about their implementation process, from defining objectives to training models.
Accenture’s AI Journey (Microsoft Podcast)
How is Accenture, the professional services company with more than 730,000 employees worldwide, transforming its enterprise using AI? How is it recommending that its clients do the same? In this episode, we go behind the scenes to learn how. She also shares why the firm invests $3 billion into AI, concrete use cases from Accenture clients, and tips for leaders on hiring and recruiting.